How it started…

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Our bookclub was started in February 2005 by Zeb Patterson who worked in publishing and had a desire to stay on top of current fiction. She had an even greater desire to make this work task a social one… because everything is better with a group of great girls, a giggle and a glass of wine.

It was decided that we would meet the first Tuesday of each month with August off and December reserved for a celebratory Christmas dinner out. And for the last sixteen years this has pretty much remained our formula.

​We have a few rules but are not very good at sticking to them. The constants are a delicious sit down meal, a little (sometimes a lot) of wine, some chat about the book and the joy of spending at night surrounded by amazing women who over the years have become more like family than friends.

The original members included Zeb, Maria, Liz, Kathy, Ingrid, Emma C, Emma J plus Steph, Sonia, Vicki, Bryony and Sophie later to be replaced by Susi, Sarah, Anna and Vas to make up the current eleven.​


In September 2015 we lost our founder to cancer. Zeb has not been replaced because she is irreplaceable.

We miss you and love you. 


How it’s going…

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In February 2020, we celebrated 15 years together.



And even Covid 19 did not stop of from meeting!

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