Salted Caramel Chocolate Torte



For the Caramel:

  • 175 castor sugar

  • 3 tbsp water

  • 125 double cream

  • 1/2 tsp salt and butter.

​For the Torte:

  • 250g dark chocolate

  • 165g butter

  • 175g castor sugar

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • 125g ground almonds

  • 5 egg yolks and 6 egg whites


Preheat the oven to 170c, butter / line 24cm round tin (spring-form is best). 

For the caramel: combine sugar and water over heat till golden brown, as soon as add cream and salt then stir till smooth.

For the torte: melt chocolate butter and sugar, cool till tepid. Stir in vanilla and almonds, then beat in egg yolks one at a time. Whisk egg whites till stiff, Fold in to choc mix.

Pour 1/2 in to prepped tin then pour the salted caramel into the centre and add the second 1/2 of the torte mix on top. Keep steady and put in hot baking tray into oven for 30 - 40 minutes.

Run knife round edge to release, then cool. 

​Serve with cream / yoghourt. Best made on day

Katherine Brown

I’m a Canadian living in the United Kingdom - London to be exact. I’m a business person with an eye for modern design. I’m a customer marketer who thinks like a customer. I’m a design thinker who also happens to be a designer.

I’ve worked at senior marketing levels in large corporations like American Express and Sky TV. I’ve worked agency side, leading digital client accounts. I’ve been part of several start-ups, sat on Angel Investing teams and run my own design and print studio.

In 2021, I started Ascender Creative to help small businesses with big plans build their online credibility and create better customer connections. I do this by taping into my 20+ years of business experience mixing it with a strong customer focus and a big dose of creativity.

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